Black Bear MSSP Blog Spot

Application Overlaod

Written by Michael Cullen | Dec 12, 2023 3:38:07 PM




Ever experienced one of those days when your inbox seems to be staging a rebellion against your productivity?

Well, take comfort in the fact that you're not alone.

In a recent study, it was uncovered that a staggering 80% of our communications still occur through email. Yes, despite the plethora of apps, chat services, and digital gadgets at our disposal, we're holding onto our age-old habit of sifting through an avalanche of emails. It's akin to opting for a carrier pigeon in a world where telephones exist.

The study also revealed that employees are wasting away valuable time navigating a maze of apps. Picture this scenario: Your employee is on the verge of sending a crucial report but gets lost in the labyrinth of Slack, Teams, Google Docs, and a dozen other tools. It's like embarking on an eternal game of digital hide-and-seek. Spoiler alert: It's not entertaining.

Now, what about video conferencing? You'd think that would be more efficient, right? Well, not quite. While it may give us the illusion of productivity, the reality is that only three out of five meetings are genuinely worthwhile for most employees. The rest? Well, they're unproductive.

And let's not even get started on the perpetual need to repeat or clarify ourselves. A whopping 74% of workers find themselves having to repeat their points at least occasionally, with nearly a quarter encountering this hurdle often. It's enough to make you want to unleash a primal scream into the void.

So, what's the remedy?

It's time to take a step back and reevaluate your digital strategy.

Rather than piling on more apps and tools, why not collaborate with a technology strategist who can assist you in devising a plan tailored to your business, helping you declutter your digital workspace and rekindle joy (and productivity) within your team?

If you're prepared to break free from the endless loop of emails and app notifications and reignite your productivity, let us lend a hand.  Reach out to Black Bear MSSP; we've got you covered.