Black Bear MSSP Blog Spot

Botnets are on the rise

Written by Michael Cullen | Feb 15, 2024 3:24:33 AM




There's this idea floating around that cyber bad guys only go after the big shots in the business world. But truth be told, they're not picky—they'll take on anyone, from small fry to bigwigs.

Ever heard of botnets? They're like a cyber crook's secret weapon—a bunch of hijacked devices working together under one mastermind's command. And get this, it could be anything from your laptop to your grandma's old radio.

Recent findings show a spike in botnet activity, like a million-device-strong army storming the cyber fortress. And trust me, that's a heck of a lot more than the usual threats we see.

So, why the sudden hustle? These botnets are out there scouring the web, sniffing out weaknesses in websites, servers, and even your Aunt Karen's email. It's like they're on a hunt for unlocked doors and open windows to slip through.

But you don't need to live in fear, there are ways to beef up your digital defenses:

- Keep your software, OS, and apps up to date—it's like patching up holes in your cyber armor.
- Set up a solid firewall and get yourself some reliable antivirus software to keep those digital baddies at bay.
- Educate your team about cyber safety—stuff like not clicking on sketchy links or opening emails from strangers.
- Lock down those passwords, folks. Make 'em strong and unique, like Fort Knox for your accounts.
- Back up your data regularly—it's like insurance against a cyber meltdown.
- Keep an eye on your network for anything out of the ordinary.
- And hey, if you're feeling overwhelmed, consider calling in the experts. Black Bear MSSP can give your digital fortress a look and beef up security where it may be weak.

So, stay safe, keep your eyes open and remember, Black Bear MSSP is here to keep cyber criminals in check.