Black Bear MSSP Blog Spot

Emerging Cyber Threats

Written by Michael Cullen | Mar 22, 2024 1:23:39 AM



A recent security report unveils disturbing trends in the digital world.

To start, the pace of cyber attacks is accelerating dramatically. The report notes a sharp decline in breakout times—the duration needed for an attacker to begin moving within a network after initial entry—now averaging just 62 minutes, a notable decrease from last year's 84 minutes.

This development is far from positive.

Not only are these incursions happening more swiftly, but they are also increasing in frequency. The study identifies an alarming rise in cyber criminal factions, with 34 new groups detected, pushing the total to over 230 entities monitored.

Moreover, these adversaries are not idle. Their tactics are evolving, becoming more cunning and complex. A groundbreaking record in breakout time has been set at merely two minutes and seven seconds, hardly enough time for a coffee break, much less to orchestrate a defense.

The stark reality is that human vulnerability is increasingly the gateway for these digital onslaughts.

Cyber criminals are refining their methods to deceive individuals into clicking phishing links or impersonating trusted contacts—a strategy known as social engineering.

So, how can your business fortify its defenses against these cyber menaces?

Educate Your Team: Inform your employees about emerging cyber threats and recognition strategies. Continuous education can significantly deter costly errors.

Enforce Robust Password Guidelines: Advocate for the creation and usage of complex, unpredictable passwords through password managers, coupled with multi-factor authentication for enhanced verification.

Update Regularly: Ensure all your software and systems are equipped with the latest security updates to close off vulnerabilities often exploited by attackers.

Invest in Cybersecurity Solutions: Consider adopting reliable cybersecurity software for real-time threat detection and resolution (our team can assist with this).

Backup Your Data: Maintain regular data backups stored securely. In the face of a cyber attack, backups are vital for reducing operational interruptions and data compromise.

In cybersecurity, erring on the side of caution is paramount. We're here to assist in bolstering your preparedness against these digital threats. Contact Black Bear MSSP to learn how we can support your security efforts.