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Reporting Security Incidents




Encouraging your team to report security issues quickly is crucial for your business. It's possible that this hasn’t been top of mind for you before.

You might feel secure with your current tech tools, but remember, your employees are your first line of defense. Their ability to spot and report security threats is irreplaceable.

Consider this scenario: An employee receives an unusual email from a trusted supplier. It's a classic phishing attempt, where a cybercriminal pretends to be someone else to steal data. If the employee dismisses it or assumes someone else will handle it, that innocent-looking email could lead to a massive data breach, costing your company significantly.

Shockingly, less than 10% of employees report phishing emails to their security teams. This low percentage is due to various reasons:

- They might not realize the importance.

- They're afraid of getting into trouble if they're wrong.

- They think it's someone else’s responsibility.

- Past experiences of being shamed for security mistakes make them hesitant.

A significant reason for this reluctance is a lack of understanding. Employees might not recognize a security threat or grasp why reporting it is crucial. This is where effective education comes in, but it needs to be engaging and relatable.

Think of cybersecurity training as an interactive experience. Use real-life examples and scenarios to illustrate how a small issue can escalate into a major problem if not reported. Simulate phishing attacks and show the potential fallout. Make it clear that everyone plays a vital role in keeping the company safe. When employees understand their actions can prevent a disaster, they’ll be more motivated to report anything suspicious.

Even willing employees can be deterred by a complicated reporting process. Ensure your reporting system is simple and accessible, such as easy-access buttons or quick links on your company’s intranet.

Regular reminders and clear instructions are essential. When someone reports an issue, give immediate feedback. A simple thank you or acknowledgment can reinforce their behavior and show their efforts matter.

Creating a culture where reporting security issues is seen positively is key. If employees fear judgment or punishment, they’ll stay silent. Leaders should set the tone by sharing their experiences with reporting issues. When top executives talk openly about security, it encourages everyone else to do the same.

Consider appointing security champions within different departments. These individuals can be go-to resources for their peers, offering support and making the reporting process less intimidating. Keep security a regular topic of conversation to keep it fresh in everyone’s minds.

Celebrate the learning opportunities from reported incidents. Share success stories where reporting helped avoid disasters. This not only educates but also motivates your team to remain vigilant and proactive.

By making it easy and rewarding for your employees to report security issues, you're protecting your business and fostering a more engaged and proactive workforce.

Encourage open communication, continuous learning, and avoid shaming anyone for mistakes. The quicker issues are reported, the easier and cheaper they are to fix, keeping your business secure and thriving.

This is something we regularly help businesses with. If we can assist you too, get in touch with Black Bear MSSP.